Child Hidde Withn

Child Hidde Withn
Child Within

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We are in the pilot’s seat of our recovery. our stager guides are our co-pilots
Author: Fraser Trevor
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We are in the pilot’s seat of our recovery. our stager guides are our co-pilots; our children within are our wings.our re-contacted chil...

We are in the pilot’s seat of our recovery. our stager guides are our co-pilots; our children within are our wings.our re-contacted child within is the tower speaking to us. our intuition is our navigation — guiding us.

But we are the one who is flying the plane.

We chart our course. We determine when to fly, how far and for how long. We decide the destination, the altitude and the engine speed.

We are the one in charge. Can you imagine a pilot sitting in the pilot seat asking the crew –

“Where to today?” or “What do you think we should do?”

This is our life — so take charge of it.

But beware, we can burn the fuel too quickly by wasting it with worry, fear, doubt and distraction.

There is no one way to get to where we want to go. There are no shoulds. But we do need forward movement, We have to leave the ground to get to our destination.

Make a decision, set a goal, determine our desires. Then move forward as our intuition reveals the next step.

Take time each day to sit in meditation to receive guidance, then set a flight plan, but be ready to adjust for the wind currents and weather of the emotions. Un-chock the wheels and rev the engines by getting excited, happy, and enthusiastic.

Once we have received the insights, and charted the course, we are ready to go. We may have to refuel our body with nutrition, meditation and exercise. We will need to refuel our mind with meditation, affirmations and contemplation.

Remember to enjoy the journey – we have the controls – we are in the pilot’s seat. There are fair skies ahead. This is a good time to fly.

Don’t worry about our past. Don’t worry about our future. Just be in the now – be aware today and relish all life offers us. Receive, feel, explore and offer joy and love each mile.

Know that as we take off, we are supported by unseen forces. Be open to synchronicity and clues along the way.

For once we determine what we desire, once we realise we are the one responsible for our life and once we decide to follow our intuition — we can soar!

Roger and out.


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